Problem statement and Explanation : https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/162540/Letter-Case-Conversion-Algorithms-Title-Case-Toggl.
[Title case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_case) is a style where all words are capitalized. Officially, title case
does not capitalize some words, such as very short words like "a" or "is", but for the purposes of this function, a general approach
is taken where all words are capitalized regardless of length.
* The titleCaseConversion function converts a string into a title case string.
* @param {string} inputString The input string which can have any types of letter casing.
* @returns {string} A string that is in title case.
const titleCaseConversion = (inputString) => {
if (inputString === '') return ''
// Extract all space separated string.
const stringCollections = inputString.split(' ').map(word => {
let firstChar = ''
// Get the [ASCII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII) character code by the use charCodeAt method.
const firstCharCode = word[0].charCodeAt()
// If the ASCII character code lies between 97 to 122 it means they are in the lowercase so convert it.
if (firstCharCode >= 97 && firstCharCode <= 122) {
// Convert the case by use of the above explanation.
firstChar += String.fromCharCode(firstCharCode - 32)
} else {
// Else store the characters without any modification.
firstChar += word[0]
const newWordChar = word.slice(1).split('').map(char => {
// Get the ASCII character code by the use charCodeAt method.
const presentCharCode = char.charCodeAt()
// If the ASCII character code lies between 65 to 90, it means they are in the uppercase so convert it.
if (presentCharCode >= 65 && presentCharCode <= 90) {
// Convert the case by use of the above explanation.
return String.fromCharCode(presentCharCode + 32)
// Else return the characters without any modification.
return char
// Return the first converted character and remaining character string.
return firstChar + newWordChar.join('')
// Convert all words in a string and return it.
return stringCollections.join(' ')
export { titleCaseConversion }